Diamond Anthony

Diamond Anthony (She/They)- TINGS Program Coordinator

Diamond Anthony (They/She) is one of our Program Coordinators for Galaei. Diamond originally from the city of Lancaster, PA moved to the city of Philadelphia during the Pandemic. In her time at Galaei Diamond has

  • Demonstrated experience in coordinating activities and events
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to prioritize and complete tasks in a timely manner
  • Firm understanding of procedures that increase efficiency

Diamond also spearheads a variety of groups at Galaei such as

Bad Bitches Have Bad Days Too:Mental health can be a struggle, even for the strongest person. With today’s climate in marginalizing LGBTQ+ people, BIPOC, persons with HIV, etc. things can really take a toll on our psyche and our well being. Bad Bitches Have Bad Days Too, is a group that brings people together to discuss these things and how they affect our mental health. We will discuss a wide variety of topics that will touch on these issues. (

Don’t Yuck My Yum: This group will talk about navigating the Leather/Latex/Kink scenes. People who are LGBTQ+, BIPOC, or living with HIV will be able to discuss being marginalized in community spaces they are supposed to feel welcome in. We will also discuss microaggressions, discrimination, and other topics that pop up while being in these spaces. 

Music Workshop: DDA’s Music Workshop is a group to help develop and tell the stories of LGBTQ+, BIPOC, persons living with HIV through music. Music for years has been able to be creative to express the feelings of the most marginalized. Music can be utilized as an act of resistance to the very oppressive institutions that we navigate throughout the day. This group will help hone in on those musical gifts to create art that acts as that act of resistance as well as amplifying the voices of the most marginalized.

Poetry Slam: a group that brings LGBTQ+ people, BIPOC, and persons living with HIV together to discuss and write poetry. Poetry is a great art form to freely express the feelings of a person. We will use this art form to amplify the voices of the most marginalized in the hopes of healing, raising awareness, and much more.

When Diamond is not serving the QTBIPOC Community at Galaei she lives as her Nightlife alter ego D.D.A who is also known as Snatcherella 3000 Season 2 Winner and the current Mx. Philadelphia Leather